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Christmas Carols
Last week we held our annual Christmas Carols concert. It was a wonderful night where all of our students performed popular Christmas songs. The choir opened the evening with ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and Year 6 finished with ‘Christmas Everyday’. In between we heard songs about Rudolph, jingle bells and Santa. Some of the students learning Indonesian played ‘Joy to the World’ on the angklung.
I would like to thank Mr Rhys Sutherland, our Music teacher, for the work he had done in the preparation for this special event as his efforts meant that the night went without a hitch. He was very appreciative of the photos that the staff shared with him throughout the night.
Thank you to Miss Brittany Todd who stepped in to coordinate the choir and managed the audio for the evening.
Miss Penny Thorton did a wonderful job of the Christmas decorations that were displayed on the stage. Well done to the students for their great work.
Thank to Joondalup Education Support Centre staff who organised the very successful sausage sizzle and to the P&C Association for generously giving away candles.
Carols is always a team effort and I am very appreciative of all the hard work by the staff in preparation for the night.
As a side note, the professional sound technicians who have been working with us for a few years said that our Christmas Carols community participation gets bigger each year and our organisation is slick!

School Captains
At today’s assembly we announced who will be our School Captains for 2025. Congratulations to:
School Captains
Owen (Room 12) |
Lana (Room 12) |
Charley (Room 12) |
Emilia (Room 12) |
Lennox (Room 12) |
Ruth (Room 13) |
Sahar (Room 9) |
Aamiley (Room 27) |
Sports Captains
Charley (Room 12) |
Kobi (Room 12) |
Lane (Room 13) |
Deon (Room 12) |
Harper (Room 12) |
Dita (Room 12) |
Landon (Room 12) |
Kevin (Room 12) |
Reece (Room 9) |
Hamish (Room 9) |
Choir Captains
Owen (Room 12) |
Zoey (Room 13) |
Thank you to each of the students who nominated to be one of the captains for 2025. The effort given to creating posters and preparing speeches was incredible. It is not easy to speak in front of a large group and everyone is to be commended for their courage.
Positive Behaviour Support Club
We have a new PBS Club for 2025. Thank you to the many students who submitted an expression of interest to be part of this group. Well done to:
Erin (Year 4 Room 4) |
Phoenix (Year 4 Room 5) |
Sophia (Year 3 Room 8) |
Shae (Year 3 Room 7) |
Divan (Year 3 Room 7) |
Logan (Year 4 Room 6) |
Braiden (Year 3 Room 7) |
Dustin (Year 3 Room 8) |
Staff news
At the end of the year we will be saying farewell to some staff members.
Mrs Carol Perry has been at Joondalup Primary School since 1995 and taught nearly every year level, worked in the library, worked with students whose language background was not English, and joined the school’s administrative team in 2015. Well before Joondalup, Mrs Perry’s Education career commenced in 1983. Mrs Perry will be taking leave and then officially hanging up her whiteboard markers, post it notes and school planning documents. Mrs Perry has brought to the school thorough planning for every contingency, a dedication and energy that has kept the school operating at every level, a care for students and their families, and valued strong relationships with staff. As Mrs Perry leaves, she takes with her a deep understanding of all things Joondalup and she will be missed. I certainly know that Breakfast Club will not be the same.
Mrs Sharryn Crothers has been teaching in Room 6 for the past three terms. She brought to the school her knowledge of data and was a keen collaborator who willingly shared her resources and ideas when planning work for the Year 4 students and the wider school. Mrs Crothers has accepted a position at Aveley Primary School for 2025.
Mrs Michelle Walker has been one of our Kindy teachers and her classroom is always a joy to visit. She has provided many of our Kindy children with a positive and wonderful start to their schooling giving them the building blocks of early literacy, numeracy, play and exploration skills. Mrs Walker is moving to Glendale Primary School to teach Pre-Primary.
Ms Mel Hunt has achieved her dream of being a teacher and we congratulate her on that achievement as she has accepted a full time and permanent teaching position at Roseworth Education Support Centre. Ms Hunt has worked in most classes and with lots of different students and teachers. She has a wealth of knowledge and skills that will be appreciated as she has a class of her own. Thank you to Ms Hunt for her work and long association with Joondalup Primary School.
Ms Kelly Budding has been in Room 8 teaching the Year 2/3 class for the second part of the year. It was greatly appreciated when she agreed to extend her time and teach into Term 4. Ms Budding has been a valuable contributor to the work of her colleagues in C Block and has enjoyed her time at Joondalup Primary School. Ms Budding will be working at Alkimos College.
Mrs Tayla Lindemann will be on leave for the beginning of 2025 as she welcomes a new baby into the Lindemann family. Mrs Lindemann has had the complex role of working across three different classes and I know that her teaching colleagues have valued her work. Mrs Lindemann has also been an important member of the school’s PBS committee.
Mr Rhys Sutherland has already commenced his leave and will be back part way through Term 1 in 2025. Mr Sutherland is our extraordinary Music teacher who is admired by many for his talents. We look forward to seeing him again very soon.
Mrs Chantel Kent has been working as our Science teacher each Friday this term. Mrs Kent has stepped in at very short notice and successfully continued a Science program which is enjoyed by all. I have appreciated the collaboration between Mrs Kent and Mrs Phillips and I am sure that Mrs Kent will return to Joondalup as a highly valued relief teacher in 2025.
Health and Wellness Day
On Thursday 14 November the school took part in a Health and Wellness Day. There were a lot of activities for the students which promoted mindfulness and wellbeing. Activities included nature walks, drumming, sensory tools, art, movement and many others. Everyone had a fantastic day and really enjoyed themselves.

P&C Association
The P&C Association have met for the final time this year. Thank you to all of the parents who have committed their time and energy to this group. Significantly, I would like to thank Rolf Chorley for his work as Treasurer, a vital role for an effective P&C. The school community is very grateful for the expertise that Rolf brought to the role.
The P&C plays a key role as it has financially supported the school through a number of avenues including subsidising the following;
- Year 6 camp
- Swimming lessons for all students
- Providing new resources including a music instruments
- PBS signage
- Choir shirts
- Funding the school’s Taiko Drumming performance
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the P&C through your involvement in the Colour Run, Easter Egg raffle, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls, and discos. Every time you contribute, the school benefits and we are very grateful.
Enterprise Day
This Friday is Enterprise Day and is an afternoon where the Year 6 students put their business management skills to the test and create something to sell or an experience to enjoy. To participate Pre-Primary to Year 5 students, need to pre-purchase tickets at a cost of 50 cents each. Ideally children need 10 tickets to have a go at multiple activities on the day.
Funds raised are used to subsidise the cost of the Year 6 Camp in 2025.
This week the students can pre-purchase their tickets outside of the Year 6 classes on the following days;
Wednesday 4 December - 8:20 am
Thursday 5 December - 8:20 am & 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Friday 6 December - 8:20 am
End of year student reports
Final school reports will be emailed home on Tuesday 10 December 2024 via Compass. Please make sure that your email address is up to date.
Important dates for the 2025 diary
Next year’s School Development Days are:
Term 1 |
No Development Day |
Term 2 |
Friday 30 May |
Term 3 |
Monday 21 July |
Term 4 |
Friday 7 November |
Children do not come to school on School Development Days.
The first day of school for students next year will be Wednesday 5 February 2025. Class lists will be put on display on Tuesday 4 February 2025 from 2:30 pm in the undercover area.
Best wishes
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the staff. They remain a dedicated and professional group who are committed to Joondalup Primary School being the best it can be. I am always grateful for the time and effort they give to their class, each other and the school community.
To everyone, have a wonderful holiday and enjoy time with family and friends. Please travel safe and take care.
Carol Selley
If you notice any suspicious activity on School Grounds, please contact Security on 9264 4771 or the Police on 131 444.
This term, Room 19 had the pleasure of hosting Miss Thompson for four weeks while she completed her 3rd Year teaching placement. Miss Thompson asked the students to bring in a white shirt to decorate. The students took on the role of fashion designers, glamming up their shirts and then presented their creations to the parents in the form of a fashion show. Take a look at some of their designs.

Indonesian Performance Invitation
Joondalup Primary School's angklung players and Indonesian dancers will perform at Currambine Central Shopping Centre on Thursday December 5 from 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm. The event will showcase Christmas carols played on angklung, along with two traditional Indonesian dances. The performance will be held outside of Eyes on Optometrist, and everyone is invited to attend.
What an incredible year of creativity and learning it has been. This year, our students have explored the Elements of Art, experimenting with new techniques, and drawing inspiration from famous artists and art movements. Their growth as artists has indeed been inspiring.
As we approach the end of the school year, we want to celebrate all their hard work and talent. The students will bring their art portfolio home, and we encourage families to host their own "Art Show" at home. This is a beautiful opportunity for the students to share their creations and artistic journeys with loved ones.
Here are some ideas to create your own art show:
Display the artwork in one room: Create a mini-gallery space for the student’s work.
Enjoy a gallery viewing: Invite family members to stroll through the display, which is like a professional art exhibition.
Discuss the artwork: Engage in conversations like:
“How did you make this?”
“What is your favourite piece? Why?”
“Tell me about your artwork.”
It has been an absolute pleasure watching our young artists grow this year. Their passion, dedication, and imagination have genuinely blown me away. I’m excited to see what 2025 brings for our creative community at Joondalup Schools.
Enjoy the holiday break, stay artful, and have fun! Farewell for 2024 from the art room—see you all in 2025.
Mrs Thornton
Art Teacher

Group | Start | End | Cost |
Year 6 Beach Swimming | Monday 17 February | Friday 28 February | $6.80 per day - Bus only lessons are free |
Group 1 | Monday 17 February | Friday 28 February | $7.20 per day - Bus and pool entry, lessons are free (10 day program) |
Group 2 | Tuesday 4 March | Friday 14 March | $7.20 per day - Bus and pool entry, lessons are free (9 day program) |
Information, payment and consent details will be sent out to families at the start of Term 1 via the Compass app.
Payment will be due by Week 2.
What a fabulous year we've had in the P&C and we can't thank everyone enough for the support you've shown. Thank you also to all our new members and to all the commitment and hard work of our volunteers.
Don't forget, the second hand uniform store will be open once more this term on Friday 6 December, so pop by to pick up some items for next year.
You can also collect your Containers for Change tags from the office until the end of term, so you can continue fundraising for the schools over the summer.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to another exciting year in 2025.